Family Support Center Ogden

3340 S Harrison Blvd, Suite 100
Ogden, Utah 84403

(801) 393-3113


Pam Clark

The Family Support Center of Ogden has been supporting families to prevent child abuse since 1979 and has the longest continually running in-home parenting education program in the state of Utah. We provide parenting education classes, youth development, adoption respite care and crisis nursery care, as well as helping to link families to appropriate community resources.

Services Offered

Crisis Nursery

When parents have no one to turn to for child care during stress, emergencies or self-help appointments, they can bring their children to the Crisis Nursery. We are committed to providing a safe, healthy, nurturing atmosphere for all children in our care. Many people think that families can only use the Nursery when they are experiencing an emergency. However, we love preventing emergencies and encourage parents to utilize the Nursery before they are of being overwhelmed. Prevention is just as important as intervention.

Adoption Respite

This program offers child care services to families who have adopted a child through the State of Utah’s Division of Child and Family Services. Once a child has been adopted through the State, they are no longer eligible for various supportive services. Many children have severe behavioral challenges that make it difficult for the babysitter down the street to provide care. We provide specialty care to allow parents a much needed respite break.

Nurturing Parenting Program

The Nurturing Parenting Program is a family-centered trauma-informed initiative designed to build nurturing parenting skills. This is a FREE 8-week course.

Youth Development

A free six week course for children to learn about feelings, self-esteem, awareness, responsibility, mindfulness, calming techniques and more.

Peer Parenting

The Division of Child and Family Services refers families to receive in-home parenting education and hands on instruction to prevent and alleviate the risks of child abuse and neglect, strengthen the family unit, and increase life skills. This unique program is effective because it allows the peer parents to work intensively with each family in their homes. We really gain an understanding of each family’s different dynamics. After a new parenting skill is taught and discussed; home practice exercises are assigned so that we can really determine what is working and needs further improvement.